Sept 19-21, 2024 ZOOM

Orofacial Complex Registration

  • Pre-recorded release: August 22, 2024
  • Live: Online September 19-21, 2024 

Registration Includes:

  • 35 contact hours to meet the requirement for certification
    (Pre-recorded: 15 hours, Live: 20 hours)
  • the science of OMDs
  • anatomy & physiology of the orofacial complex
  • importance of airway, respiration, and patency
  • development and common disruptions
  • swallowing and typical variances
  • sucking habits
  • the team and when to refer
  • treatment

Course is limited to LICENSED Speech-Language Pathologists, Dental Hygienists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Dentists or the equivalent internationally.

Cancellation Policy

Registration for the Understanding the Orofacial Course is not complete until the instructor receives the demographic registration information, payment, and licensure equivalent for the potential attendee. This course has limited seating; therefore, if you must cancel your class, we will work with you as best as we can. Cancellations after access to the pre-recorded information may be provided at 50% of the total course cost. Cancellation requests made less than 2 weeks before the start of the class date/time may not receive a partial refund nor a transfer. When you register for a class, it is understood that you agree to these terms.

Special Needs Accommodations

Accommodations are made for all attendees with extended time provided for the completion of the pre-recorded assignments. With each pre-recorded segment, an untimed test will be required that consists of three questions.

What People Are Saying:

Thank you SO much for an amazing course!!! I learned so much and have so much more learning to do with those amazing packets of materials you sent. I have many current clients to apply the program to and am excited to get started. Honestly yours, Amanda's, and Dianah's professionalism, organization, and grace during this online learning curve was truly amazing.

Amy M.

THANK YOU so much for offering this course online (I was originally planning to attend the live Albany course). Sincerely, you and Amanda did an INCREDIBLE job. I honestly enjoyed the course and looked forward to it every day. The remote presentation exceeded my expectations. I've already recommended it to friends and colleagues. I also wanted to thank you both for graciously accepting and responding to all questions during the lectures, letting us have some fun in the chat, and going out of your way to make sure we were all grasping the presented information. This course was worth every penny. I could see myself taking it again in the future.

Jennifer S.

I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you! It was great being able to learn and interact with you both over the past 4 days. I really appreciate all that y'all do to educate us and for being friendly and approachable so that we weren't afraid to ask questions. This course went beyond my expectations and I am looking forward to getting out into the field and practicing and learning more. I hope that I get to meet you both in person one day!

Tara A.

This is the best course I have taken in all my years of practice!!! I cannot wait to begin implementing this with my patients.

Alicia I.

I can’t thank you enough for all of the invaluable information you presented over the past 4 days. Now it time for me to start studying and processing all of the information. I am excited to begin this new chapter in my SLP career.

Dr. Laura M.

$3,000.00 USD

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